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Dashboard Module

The Dashboard module allows you to view your fleet at a glance. Allowing for tracking assets on a map and previewing advanced information using pop-up cards.

Dashboard Screenshot


The Dashboard Module serves as the central hub for managing your fleet and assets. It provides a comprehensive overview, allowing you to monitor and control your operations efficiently.

With the dashboard, you can:

  • Access a Dynamic Map: Visualize real-time locations of your fleet and assets.
  • View Grouped Data: Organize your devices based on your preferred criteria for tailored insights.
  • Quickly Select Devices: Zoom in on specific vehicles or assets to see live details and location.
  • Streamline Operations: Utilize intuitive controls and clear visual feedback for efficient fleet management.
  • View Last Record Status: Hover on an item on the map to get an insight of the reported IO data from the tracking device.

Module Components

Devices List

The devices list provides you with an overview of all groups and devices assigned to them. The list supports filtering of devices using the search bar allowing for a quick and easy identification of the required device.

Note: If a device is not assigned to a group in the Groups Module then the device will not show-up in the devices list on the Dashboard Module.

Devices List

Cards neatly presented in the list show the main device image for easy identification along with important insights including:

  1. Connection Status: Shows whether the device is sending records or not:
    • Online: Device is connected to the server and sending records at least every 1 hour.
    • Offline: The device has not sent any records for more than 1 hour + 15 minutes connection timeout.
  2. Moving Status: Shows the current status of the device location:
    • Idle: The device is stationary and no movement is detected.
    • Moving: The device has detected movement.
  3. Engine Status: Shows the current status of the ignition for vehicles or dedicated power input for static assets.
    • Engine Off: The ignition-switch/power-source of the vehicle/device is pulled high (power supplied).
    • Engine On: The ignition-switch/power-source of the vehicle/device is pulled low (no power).

Device Card


The map provides a live view of your devices' locations. Devices appear as icons on the map, color-coded based on their status.


Selecting a device will automatically zoom the map to its location, allowing you to pinpoint its exact position.

Selected Device on Map

Hovering over a device icon will display a pop-up card that showcases the device record information. The information is split into two sections:

  1. Point Info: The information here include the default device GPS Element parameters including:
    • Last seen: The timestamp or date object of the latest record.
    • Location: The coordinates of the device.
    • State: The trip status of the device, either TRIP/STOP.
    • Speed: The speed of the device (for vehicles).
    • Fuel Used: The amount of fuel used as reported by the device for the last record.
    • Total Odometer: The total odometer of the vehicle as reported by the device for the last record.
  2. Advanced Info: The information here include the parameters and values for advanced IO (Input/Output) supported by the device. The IO needs to be enabled at the device settings in the Devices Module for the information to appear here. Note that, enabling IO's not supported by the device hardware or IO's that are not physically connected will result in null, undefined, or 0 value readings.

Device Details Card

Key Features Recap

  1. Real-time map integration with status-based device icons.
  2. Intuitive search and filter options for streamlined device management.
  3. Live detail cards for quick access to critical device information.