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Reports Module

The Reports module helps you analyze your fleet's performance and your companie's spendings by generating different types of reports.

Reports Screenshot


The Reports page allows you to generate detailed fleet activity reports, helping you analyze trips, stops, alerts, and more. With flexible filtering options, you can customize reports based on type and time period to extract valuable insights.

With the Reports page, you can:

  1. Select Report Type: Choose from trips, stops, summary, routes, and alerts.
  2. Find Relevant Data: Easily generate data for a specific time-frame using the period selector.
  3. Analyze Data: View structured reports in an easy-to-read table. The table allows for easily searching, filtering, formatting, and exporting the data.

Module Components

Filtering & Selection

The filtering and selection section allows you to easily find what you are looking for.

First, it is easy to select the report type from using the Report Type drop-down menu. Currently the supported report types include:

  1. Summary: This report type provides a quick overview of the most basic parameters. It is designed to primarily detect trips and stops for vehicles.
  2. Trips: This report type focuses on listing all the trips that a vehicle has made.
  3. Stops: This report type focuses on listing all vehicle stop events. This is important for detecting excessive idling events as it shows the Engine Hours parameters which shows how long the engine was kept running while the vehicle is idle.
  4. Route: This report type shows the coordinates from all records received from the device. This can be used to import the data into a plotting software to visualize the GPS data.
  5. Alerts: This report provides a list of all alerts and critical events that have been triggered by a specific device.

The table below shows all currently supported report types and the parameters available in each of them:

Device NameDevice NameDevice NameDevice NameDevice (IMEI)
Asset NumberAsset NumberAsset NumberFix TimeDevice (Name)
Movement TypeStart TimeStart TimeLatitudeMessage
Start TimeEnd TimeEnd TimeLongitudeValue
End TimeDuration (s)Duration (s)AltitudeDate
Duration (s)DistanceOdometerSatellitesLatitude
Odometer StartMinimum SpeedFuel SpentSpeedLongitude
Fuel SpentAverage SpeedEngine HoursAnglePriority
Maximum Speed
Odometer Start
Odometer End
Fuel Spent

Filtering Section

Additionally, you need to provide a time-frame for the reports to be generated. This can be easily done using the period selector available in the section. Multiple options are pre-define for ease of use. Additionally, You can provide a custom range for the period. Currently, the pre-defined options include:

  1. Today: Show reports the current day.
  2. Yesterday: Show reports for the previous day.
  3. Last three days: Show all reports available for the last 3 days.
  4. Last week: Show all reports available for the last week.
  5. Last month: Show all reports available for the last month.
  6. Custom: Selecting this will promt you to enter a custom date range for the reports.

Filtering Section

Reports Table

The reports table allows for displaying the reports generated by the system as per the selected report type and in an organized format for quick analysis and decision-making. While allowing for easily searching, filtering, formatting, and exporting the data.

Reports Table


No Data in Reports

  • Ensure the selected time period contains recorded data.

Reports Not Updating

  • Click the Refresh button to fetch the latest data.
  • Verify your network connection to ensure data retrieval.

Key Features Recap

  1. How to generate reports.
  2. How to select the appropriate report type.
  3. How to filter reports by date period.