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Device Groups

The Device Groups Module allows you to organize your devices efficiently into convenient groups.

Groups Screenshot


The Device Groups section allows you to organize your devices efficiently. Groups are used to display items neatly and in an easy to view way accross the entire application. Some of the module that utilize the groups are:

  1. The Dashboard module: The Dashboard module uses the groups on the system to display the vehicles list.
  2. The Statistics module: The Statistics module uses the groups on the system to create the statistics section.

Module Components

The module is designed to organize the data in an easy to use way and in a way that is consistent with other modules in the application. A side-bar is used to show the current groups as well as filtering options and controls to edit and create new groups.

  1. Left Sidebar: Contains a search bar, group cards, and an Add Group button.
  2. Right Panel: Displays the devices in the selected group, allowing you to add or remove devices.

Searching for a Group

Use the Search Bar at the top of the sidebar to filter groups by name.

Adding a Group

  1. Click the Add Group button at the bottom of the sidebar.
  2. A dialog will appear requiring to provide the group name and description.
  3. Click Save to create the group.

Editing a Group

  1. Click the <Edit Icon> button on a group card.
  2. A dialog will open, pre-filled with the group's current name and description.
  3. Modify the details and click the Save button to update.

Deleting a Group

  1. Click the <Trash Icon> button on a group card.
  2. A confirmation dialog will appear.
  3. Click Confirm to delete the group permanently.

Viewing Group Devices

  1. Select a Group Card to display its devices in the right panel.
  2. Each device card shows the device name, picture, and a Remove button.

Device Card

Removing a Device from a Group

  1. Click the Remove button on the Device Card.

Adding a Device to a Group

  1. Click the floating Add Device button at the bottom right corner of the screen.
  2. A dialog will appear with a device selector.

Add Device Dialog

Only unassigned devices (devices not in any group) will be available.

  • To move a device from one group to another, remove it from its current group first!

Select a device and click Send to add it to the group.

Key Features Recap

  1. Organize Devices into Groups: Easily create and manage groups for better fleet organization.
  2. Add or Remove Devices: Seamlessly assign or remove devices from groups with a few clicks.
  3. Search and Filter Groups: Use the search bar to quickly find specific groups by name.
  4. Edit and Delete Groups: Modify group details or delete unnecessary groups to keep the system organized.