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Route Groups

The Route Groups section allows you to define specific paths with waypoints for multiple devices. Route groups are based on paths with predefined stops.

Routes Groups Screenshot


The Route Groups section allows you to define specific paths with waypoints for multiple devices. These route groups represent planned trips with predefined stops, ensuring structured navigation and tracking. The system visually displays routes on a map, making it easy to manage, edit, and follow trip directions.

Module Components

The module is designed to conveniently display routes stored on the system. The sidebar allows for viewing all existing routes configurations. While selecting a route group from the sidebar displays the planned trip on the map. The components in this section include:

  1. Left Sidebar: Contains a search bar, route group cards, and an Add Route button.
  2. Right Panel: Displays a map with A polyline representing the route. In addition to Waypoints (stop points) along the route.
  3. Top Right Corner: An Export Route button that generates a Google Maps link for the route. Click the link to open it in Google Maps or use the Copy button to copy the link.

Searching for a Route Group

Use the search bar in the sidebar to filter route groups by name.

Adding a Route Group

  1. Click the Add Route button at the bottom of the sidebar.
  2. A dialog will appear prompting to enter the route name and description.
  3. Click the Save button to create the route.

Editing a Route Group

  1. Clicking the <Edit Icon> button on a route card opens a side sheet.
  2. This side sheet has three sections, which you can switch between using a toggle button at the top:
    • Devices List: Shows member devices of the selected route configuration.
    • Waypoints: Lists the waypoints (stops) of the selected route configuration.
    • Directions: Shows the automatically generated trip directions for the selected route configuration.
  3. Follow the instructions in the following sections to manage waypoints and manage devices.

Deleting a Route Group

  1. Click the <Trash Icon> button on a route card.
  2. A confirmation dialog will appear.
  3. Click the <Confirm> button to delete the route permanently.

Editing a Waypoint

The Waypoints section lists all points used to create the route.

Side Sheet

  1. Clicking on the Edit button on a specific way point or clicking on the Add Waypoint button will trigger the waypoint dialog to open.
  2. The waypoint is represented by a marker in the center of the map.
  3. Modify the location by:
    • Dragging the map (click and hold the left mouse button and move the cursor).
    • Entering latitude and longitude manually.
    • Changing the waypoint name.
  4. Click the Save button to update the waypoint.

Add Waypoint Dialog

Re-Ordering Waypoints

  1. Each waypoint card has a drag handle next to its name.
  2. Click and drag up or down to change the order.

Adding a New Waypoint

  • Click the Add Waypoint button at the bottom.
  • The same waypoint editor dialog will appear.
  • Place the marker, enter the name, and click the Save button.

Add Waypoint Dialog

Saving Waypoints

After making changes, click the Save Waypoints button to apply the updates.

Viewing Route Directions

The Directions section provides a step-by-step navigation guide for the route. This helps drivers follow the route efficiently.

  1. Each direction card contains:

    • An arrow icon indicating the turn type.
    • A text description with driving instructions from one waypoint to the next.


Key Features Recap

  • Create and Manage Route Groups: Define routes with multiple waypoints and devices assigned to them.
  • Search and Filter Route Groups: Quickly locate specific routes using the sidebar search function.
  • View and Export Routes: Display routes on a map and generate a shareable Google Maps link.
  • Add, Edit, and Reorder Waypoints: Modify waypoints using drag-and-drop, manual entry, or map adjustments.
  • Manage Assigned Devices: Assign or remove devices from a route group for better tracking.
  • Delete Route Groups: Remove unnecessary routes to keep the system organized.
  • View Step-by-Step Directions: Access automatically generated navigation instructions for efficient route following.