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Device Settings

The Device Settings section allows you to manage your device’s inputs (IO's), enable sensors, configure alerts, and import/export settings.

IOs List


The Device Settings section provides a centralized interface for configuring and managing your device's inputs (IOs) and sensors. It allows you to enable new sensors, set up alerts, and import/export configuration files for easy replication across multiple devices. Sensor data is dynamically integrated into various components of the application, enhancing real-time monitoring and analysis.

Module Components

This section is designed to be easy to understand and use. The section consists of 3 action button followed by a table that shows the enabled device IO's. The action buttons allow for several actions including:

  1. Enabling Sensors: The Enable Sensors button allows for adding a new IO as an input source. Once enabled the new IO will show in the Sensors table.
  2. Importing Configuration: To save time the system allows for importing a previously setup configuration using the Import button. The imported configuration will replace the current config entirely even if there are differences. The configurations will not be merged. Therefore, make sure that the configuration you are importing includes everything you want to enable. Of course, manual configuration to add new items is possible after an import.
  3. Exporting Configuration: The system allows for exporting the configuration currently shown in the Sensors table using the Export button. Once clicked a new file download operation will automatically start. Store the generated file somewhere safe then use it to reconfigure this device or other devices using the file.

The Sensors table shows all enabled sensors for this device. This information is used to generate data dynamically for many components across the application, such as, dynamic cards in the Device Details section. as well as the Advanced section in pop-up cards in multiple map components across the application, for instance, in the Dashboard module and in the Replay module.

Note: If a IO is enabled an IO that the device doesn't support or for an IO that is not physically connected to an input then the information received from the device or the data received in the records will contain empty values. Expected values may include 0, null, or undefined. This will not break the application but some component views accross the application will look empty.

Enabling Sensors

Enabling sensors is simple:

  1. Click the Enable Sensors button.
  2. A dialog will appear, displaying sensors categorized by type.
  3. Search for the desired sensor.
  4. Click the Enable button next to the sensor name.

IOs List

Import & Export Settings

The Import and Export buttons allow you to save and reuse sensor settings across multiple devices.

  1. Export: After enabling and configuring sensors, click Export to download a JSON file containing the current settings.
  2. Import: To apply the same settings to another device, go to its settings page, click Import, and select the previously exported JSON file. The settings will be applied automatically.

This feature is useful for maintaining consistent sensor configurations across multiple devices.

Editing Settings

The Sensors table lists all enabled sensors along with their details.

  1. Each row represents a configured sensor.
  2. The Edit button at the end of each row allows you to:
    • Update the custom name or unit of the sensor.
    • Enable or disable alerts using the toggle switch.

Alert Types

When you attempt to create or edit a sensor configuration you will be asked to setup the alert settings. Alerts notify you about sensor status changes. This is used to generate events and alerts in the Alerts module. You can enable three types of alerts:

  1. On Change:
  • Best for digital sensors (e.g., detecting when a vehicle starts running).
  • Sends an alert when the sensor switches states.

Edit IO Dialog

  1. On Enter:
  • Requires a minimum and maximum value.
  • Sends an alert when the sensor enters the defined range.

Edit IO Dialog

  1. On Exit:
  • Also requires a minimum and maximum value.
  • Sends an alert when the sensor leaves the defined range.

Edit IO Dialog

Key Features Recap

  1. Enable and Configure Sensors: Add new IOs, customize settings, and manage alerts for real-time monitoring.
  2. Import and Export Settings: Save and reuse sensor configurations across multiple devices for consistency.
  3. Set Up Alerts: Configure different alert types (On Change, On Enter, On Exit) to receive notifications based on sensor activity.
  4. Edit Sensor Details: Update sensor names, units, and alert settings directly from the settings table